Capital: Dili.
Official languages: Portuguese and Tetum.
Area: 5,774 mi2 (14,954 km2). Greatest distances—north-south, 96 mi (154 km); east-west, 228 mi (367 km).
Elevation: Highest—Tata Mai Lau, 9,721 ft (2,963 m). Lowest—sea level.
Population: Current estimate—1,383,000; density, 240 per mi2 (92 per km2); distribution, 69 percent rural, 31 percent urban. 2015 census—1,183,643.
Chief products: coffee, corn, natural gas, oil, rice.
National anthem: "Pátria" ("Fatherland").
Flag: The flag of East Timor has a small black triangle within a larger yellow triangle at the staff. A white star is in the middle of the black triangle. The rest of the flag is red.
Money: Basic unit—United States dollar. One hundred cents equal one dollar.
Form of government: Republic.
Climate: Hot, with cooler temperatures in the mountains. Wet and dry seasons caused by major winds called monsoons. Rainfall is higher in the south.
Facts in brief about Timor-Leste [Online table]. (2020). In World Book Advanced. Retrieved from