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Year 6 - Migration: Adapting & Belonging: The Migration Nation

Afghan lifesaver embodies Australian spirit

Stories - Multicultural Queensland

Click on the image to read about adapting and belonging in Australia.

Stories n.d., Multicultural Queensland Month, viewed 01 August 2024, 

Australia's Global Palate

Australian Identity: Migration

Settling in Australia: The Challenges

‘Settlement’ is commonly used to refer to the process of refugees settling into a new country. Settlement is a two-way process. Both refugees, and the wider community, have to adapt to refugees coming to Australia. Click on the image to read more from the Refugee Council of Australia.

Settling in Australia: the challenges 2019, 157472830949702, viewed 01 August 2024, 


Beautiful Animation Shows What It's Like to Be Homesick in a New Country | Short Film Showcase - National Geographic