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China: Types of Power

Four Corners - Chinese Power Abroad

Click on the image to watch this Four Corners program. 'Australia's universities are embroiled in a growing geopolitical storm amid rising concerns over expanding Chinese power abroad. Is Australian technology and know-how being used to help strengthen China's repressive regime?'



Taiwan and China



Click on the image to read the article from Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China about regular military drills tha are now a part of military struggle preparations against the island of Taiwan

Hollywood’s Great Leap Backward on Free Expression


Beijing moves to co-opt the American film industry as it seeks to penetrate the world’s largest market...

The US-China Trade War: A Timeline

Read this timeline of the US-China trade war. Note, this article is continually updated as new developments occur. It was last updated on February 26, 2020

Listen to experts discuss the US-China great power competition

This episode focuses on the story of China. Lowy Institute experts discuss US-China power competition, including the recent expulsion of American journalists from China and Hong Kong, Chinese disinformation and propaganda, something Lowy Institute experts dubbed the 'geopolitics of infection etymology' and more.

Lowy Institute. (2020) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from sode-3-us-china-great-power-competition.

Peter Hartcher discusses China's attempts to gain influence in Australia

GB Times

China Watch : Never Telling the Truth-China and Global Media